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Property Management Blog

How a Tenant Portal Simplifies Your Rental Process: A Guide for Fort Lauderdale Landlords

How a Tenant Portal Simplifies Your Rental Process: A Guide for Fort Lauderdale Landlords

If your office desk is stacked with paperwork, files of signed documents, and Post-IT notes with messages from tenants, maybe it's time for a different approach.A tenant portal is one of the most popular ways to streamline your real estate business. Learn more about what onli...
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Guiding Fort Lauderdale Accidental Landlords: Tips and Advice in 2024

Guiding Fort Lauderdale Accidental Landlords: Tips and Advice in 2024

In most of the US, it's cheaper to rent than buy a home, but not in Florida. The state's median home sales price rose to 15.7%, while the national average is 11.3%. If you're an accidental landlord in Fort Lauderdale, it's the perfect time to take advantage of the...
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Mistakes Fort Lauderdale, FL. Landlords Make About Security Deposits

Mistakes Fort Lauderdale, FL. Landlords Make About Security Deposits

Did you know security deposits are incredibly technical legal instruments designed to protect landlords and tenants? Many landlords (and probably most tenants) see security deposits as an alternate source of income, but that's not what they're for. They're meant to re...
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Owner Statements: What Are They and Why Are They So Important?

Owner Statements: What Are They and Why Are They So Important?

Do you or someone you know watch the stock market reports? Do you understand the feeling of constantly checking to see if an investment went up or down in value?Any investment needs this type of careful attention if it's going to stay profitable. That includes real estate.The...
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Tips to Attract a New Tenant in a Tough Market

Tips to Attract a New Tenant in a Tough Market

Since about 65% of young adults rent their homes rather than buying property, the market for rental real estate is increasing. If you're a budding landlord looking to attract new tenant prospects, you'll need to advertise your property and reach out to prospective renters...
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What Are Typical Rental Application Fees?

What Are Typical Rental Application Fees?

Did you know that the average landlord spends around $23,679 annually just on expenses? Application fees are a time-tested method of weeding out applicants who aren't serious while also helping to offset some of these costs.So, how much should you charge for a rental applicat...
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Homes for Rent: How to Stage a Home for a Quick Rental

Homes for Rent: How to Stage a Home for a Quick Rental

Are you looking to put up a few homes for rent, but do you want to ensure the sale is quick? If so, you've got to understand how important it is to stage your properties and help potential buyers understand why they need to buy your home.Are you unsure of how to stage a home ...
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Top Real Estate Investing Tips That You Should Know

Top Real Estate Investing Tips That You Should Know

No matter what you hear about new cryptocurrencies, serious investors know where the real money is. That's why there are over 22 million landlords in the US, making real estate one of the most popular investments in the world.If you're thinking about investing in real est...
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The Most Common Property Management Myths That Exist Today

The Most Common Property Management Myths That Exist Today

Did you know that there are almost 50 million rented households in the U.S alone? This is great for those considering investing in real estate.But managing your properties and new tenants can be a challenge. There are a lot of things to do, and you might not have time. ...
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Top Tips for First-Time Property Managers

Top Tips for First-Time Property Managers

Evicting a tenant can cost a landlord up to 10 thousand dollars in the US. Many landlords hire a property manager to help them with their problem tenants. First-time property managers could face a steep learning curve. Here are some top tips to help you excel ...
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